I5 4th generation processor price
I5 4th generation processor price

The maximum memory size is 32 GB and comes with DDR3 HD RAM. The boost frequency of the Intel Core i5 4th generation processor is 3.30 GHz and its TDP will be 65 W. The processor's cache also has 8 megabytes of Intel Smart cache and its bease speed is 5 GT / s. The processor has a speed of 3.20 GHz and a base frequency of 2.80 GHz. It is a fourth generation processor, the speed of the comparative processor is much lower than the current Core i5 processor. The model of a processor that is very popular in this Intel is Core i5 fourth generation.The Core i5 is a mid-range processor that is neither too high-performance nor too low-quality. Intel processor is a very popular name in the world of this processor.

I5 4th generation processor price